
Kitchen Essentials: 10 items every kitchen needs to have

Whether you are setting up a new kitchen or looking to revamp your current one, you can achieve the ultimate #kitchengoals by having it decked out with all the kitchen essentials! It doesn’t matter if you're cooking up a storm every night or only for special occasions, having the right kitchen essentials handy will make your life easier. We have taken the stress out of finding what you need and have compiled a rundown of all the kitchen must-haves. With this...


Pantry Organisation: 4 Top Tips from Professional Organiser Chelsea Smith

When it comes to pantry organisation, there’s one person we love getting advice from – Chelsea Smith, professional organiser and founder of The Organising Platform. Last time, she told us how to get that perfect pantry in just a few simple steps. This time, she returned with a deliciously detailed Instagram Live on what you can do to get the best out of your space and take your pantry to the next level. In this blog article, we’ve summed up her top pantry...


29 spring cleaning and decluttering tips room-by-room

It’s spring cleaning time! Let’s face it – nothing feels better than a refreshed household. Spring cleaning will help regain order in your home, leave your spaces fresh and clean, and boost your mood. It will also make you feel happy and excited to spend more of your free time in these areas. Plus, having less clutter and more organisation in these spaces will ignite a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and overall, it is likely to enhance productivity in day-to-day...


Pet food storage: How to correctly store dry and wet pet food

Pets are a human's best friend, and as pet parents, we want to make sure that they eat well – having the correct pet food storage goes hand in hand with that. Food that is kept well (for pets AND humans) will last longer, taste fresher and be free from bacteria, mould, and other contaminants. In this blog article, we discuss step by step how to best store your pet food, and to top it off; we provide you with a...


Healthy pantry staples: How to organise your pantry for a better lifestyle

A healthy eating habit starts with mindful choices, organised space and healthy pantry staples. Maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for energy production, boosting our immunity and protecting us against certain diseases. While many of us want to eat healthily, getting started is often the most challenging part and can leave us feeling overwhelmed. In a world where we are constantly exposed to the temptation of processed and fast foods, it’s easy to fall into the habit of less-healthy decisions. Despite...


Freezing food: Our top tips on how to properly freeze food

Prepping your meals and putting the freezer to good use has many benefits, from saving time to significantly reducing food waste. This also means we can buy in bulk, save money and always have a healthy option on hand – rather than reaching for the easier option in the cupboard. That is why we're giving you our top tips to freeze food properly! With a love for functionality, ease of use and maintaining an organised space we recommend getting started with...


Storage Tips for Tiny Kitchens : Smarter, small space storage ideas

  Small apartment living is slowly becoming a social movement. Have you heard of tiny living? It’s a philosophy that people are embracing more and more, especially in inner-city areas - the decision to downsize the space they live in, and live with a lot less. The belief is that living smaller provides people with more time and freedom to… well…live life, and worry less about finances, maintenance, and environmental impact.   Does tiny living mean you’ll do less at home? Not necessarily. Choosing...