
Pet food storage: How to correctly store dry and wet pet food

Pets are a human's best friend, and as pet parents, we want to make sure that they eat well – having the correct pet food storage goes hand in hand with that. Food that is kept well (for pets AND humans) will last longer, taste fresher and be free from bacteria, mould, and other contaminants. In this blog article, we discuss step by step how to best store your pet food, and to top it off; we provide you with a...


Celebrate Mum: 4 Family Recipes Handed Down from Mum’s

This Sunday marks Mother’s Day and there’s no better way to celebrate mum with delicious family recipes that remind you of her or a recipe that’s been passed on from one generation to another. To celebrate the mother figure in your life, ClickClack is giving you the chance to win an incredible ClickClack prize pack, comprising an 8-piece Gadget set, 10-piece Pantry set, 3-piece Cook+ set and 3-piece Daily set. To enter, all you need to do is submit a recipe (including...


Freezing food: Our top tips on how to properly freeze food

Prepping your meals and putting the freezer to good use has many benefits, from saving time to significantly reducing food waste. This also means we can buy in bulk, save money and always have a healthy option on hand – rather than reaching for the easier option in the cupboard. That is why we're giving you our top tips to freeze food properly! With a love for functionality, ease of use and maintaining an organised space we recommend getting started with...

Picnic Salad

5 tips for the perfect picnic (+ Mediterranean Potato Picnic Salad recipe)

The perfect way to take advantage of warm, sunny days is with a relaxed picnic including a yummy Mediterranean Potato Picnic salad with your friends and family. There is nothing better than an afternoon of delicious food and drinks shared between loved ones. To help you create the perfect picnic experience, we’ve taken the trouble out of planning so all you have to do is put it together and enjoy the occasion - mishaps and spoiled food will be a...


Five ways to get into the Christmas Spirit

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – or it will soon enough! The holiday season will be here before you know it and it’s time to get you into the Christmas spirit. Don’t worry if you aren’t quite there yet, we’ve got you covered. From baking fresh cookies and listing to your favourite holiday tunes, to watching movies and decorating the house – there are many ways to light up Christmas spirit. To help you get started with...


The Ultimate Cooking and Organising Gift Guide

While Christmas is full of excitement and wonder, sometimes it can be really tricky trying to find the perfect gift. This year, we’re taking the guesswork out of your Christmas shopping – so you can find something everyone will love. This ultimate cooking gift and organising gift guide is full of ideas for your favourite people that love to spend time in the kitchen and at home. Keep on reading for plenty of thoughtful and homemade gift ideas for your...

Coffee Display Cube

Grab a cuppa and brew over these fun coffee facts

In celebration of World Coffee Day, we've collated our favourite facts about the hot, brown drink which has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world for centuries. So, grab a cup of the good stuff and settle in for a read about all things coffee.

Mysterious past: Who invented the famous flat white?

Alan Preston of Sydney is so convinced he was the founder of the flat white, that there is even a blog to document his version...

Healthy lunchbox

4 Healthy Lunchbox Hacks and Packing Tips

In a recent study, 90% of Australian children were found to carry junk food-style snacks in their lunchboxes, so there’s never been a better time to make sure your kids have a nutritious meal. A healthy lunchbox helps keeping concentration levels up, as well as energy – which we all know is important for playtime! We’ve compiled some of our top healthy lunchbox hacks and packing tips to make sure your family gets their daily dose of vitamins and health foods.


Picnic food idea

4 Easy Picnic Food Ideas To Create The Perfect Picnic

Limp lettuce, supermarket-made pastries and soggy chips are just some of the ways a picnic can be ruined – so why not spend a little time planning ahead with these delicious crowd-pleasers? We’ve selected some of the most popular picnic food ideas which are also quick and easy to source and make. Once you’ve packed them into your ClickClack Daily containers, you’re ready to go!

Picnic Food Idea #1: Hummus

A tin of chickpeas, a dash of tahini, olive oil and...

Matcha Green Tea

All things matcha: Why you should drink more matcha green tea

Matcha green tea: With an abundance of health benefits, delicious taste and colourful green tone, it is quickly becoming one of our favourite drinks. In this article, we will share the secrets of the green tea powder, along with our favourite recipe for you to try at home.

What is matcha?

So, how is matcha different from regular green tea? Like green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, it’s grown differently and has a unique nutrient profile. Grown in...